Editing pages

In assuming you have installed the site with default content, there are two ways you can start editing the placeholder pages.

Inline editing

You can easily edit text of a page or news article by hovering over the text you want to edit. Now an icon with a pencil should appear in the top right of the content area like the image below shows.

Now click the icon and you should get the following options:

Click Quick edit and you should be presented with the following view:

Now click one of the areas highlighted in a blue outline and you should be able to start editing the text inline with the WYSIWYG toolbar as shown below.

Now make the changes to the text area. Once you begin making changes you should see a save button in the toolbar like so:

Once you have finished making your changes click save.

Standard editing

On every editable page there is a menu/tasks bar which is fixed to the bottom of the page which should look like this:

To edit the current page there will be an item in this menu either called New draft or Edit draft. Click this link and you should be taken to a page that looks like the image below.

From this page you can edit the fields of the piece of content. For text areas like body text or the have your say section for a landing page you will get a WYSIWYG editor to make your changes in.

The have your say section on landing pages will be collapsed by default so you will need to click on the HAVE YOUR SAY title to open up that section in order to edit the fields.

Once you have made all your changes you can set the current Moderation state. This is an option of Published, Draft or Needs Review and then click Save to update the piece of content.

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